"Poison pea paradise"

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"Poison Pea Paradise"

Stripes of resilience: a numbat's story of survival in the Australian outback

This series is inspired by my love for Australian flora and fauna. I hope to bring joy and appreciation for the beauty of our unique creatures and the magic of light into your home.

The Numbat and the plant that saved the Numbat. I read this article by Tim Low online explaining how the Sandplain poison pea has saved the Numbat from extinction so far....this inspired me to create this stained glass suncatcher. 

These plants have created a sanctuary for the endangered Numbat in Dryandra and Perup Nature reserve in south WA. These plants that are the main shrub there are highly toxic and contain the active ingredient in Dingo, fox, and rabbit baits known as 1080 and have been keeping foxes away.

Due to long exposure to these plants, animals in this region have evolved and have a high tolerance to this toxin. 

Unfortunately, the feral cats are the Numbats main enemy now and need to be controlled in some way as they are less likely to take the bait....otherwise, the Numbat will become extinct.


So, this is my ode to the Numbat, to bring awareness and may this beautiful and unique animal survive.🩷

This panel has black solderlines on the baxk side and copper solder lines on the front side.


Stained glass sunvatcher of a Numbat surrounded by Sandplain poison pea flowers.

Size 32.5cm x 20cm